cep[at]iitb.ac.in +91 22 2576 7060
Open call for proposals from EdTech Service Providers to partner with us: Apply by 27-May-2022

Exec-Ed @ IITB

With the rapid pace of growth in science and technology and frequent paradigm shifts in policy, governance and management, continuing education of working professionals is a vital need for development. The Executive Education (Exec-Ed) office at IIT Bombay has been set up to meet the knowledge upgrading and upskilling needs of working professionals in the S&T industry, academia and governance.

A variety of programmes offered through Exec-Ed @ IITB have been fulfilling the wide spectrum of continuing and executive educational needs of working professionals from diverse disciplines, and we justifiably take pride in the fact that it is one of the most sought after continuing education centres within the country.

In recent times, we have made our presence felt and have been expanding our footprint outside of the country. There have also been significant efforts put forward in offering some of our programmes online, such that working professionals can avail these without leaving their desks.

Through Exec-ed, IIT Bombay's world renowned experts offer you knowledge and training at the frontiers in technology and management. Explore our programmes and select the ones most suitable to your needs. Enrich yourself by re-engaging with education.

Programme Information

Open Exec-Ed Courses

Open courses are offered on diverse topics of general interest to the industry, that any professional with the pre-requisite background can opt for. Some open courses provide a quick refresher on fundamentals while others present important industry relevant advances along different themes.

Short open courses typically run for one to three days, whereas long courses can run for few weeks to even one year. You can check the upcoming open courses here
Open programmes are conducted both (i) in contact mode (in IIT Bombay campus) and (ii) in live online mode which can be subscribed from anywhere in the world. A few courses are now being broadcast live from our studios and can be attended at designated centres in India and abroad.

In-House Exec-Ed Courses

In-house courses are tailored to meet the specific upskilling needs of an organisation, and personnels only from the specific organisation can participate in such a course. In most cases, in-house programmes are conducted at the site of the company or the organisation.

In-house courses can be as short as one day to as long as one year.

If you would like to avail an in-house course for the staff members of your company/organisation, please fill out this request form.

International Courses

International courses are available to participants from abroad. These are offered in the following modes: (i) contact open courses launched with a in-country partner outside India, (ii) live online open courses offered jointly with a foreign university/institute, and (iii) in-house contact/online courses offered for a specific organisation abroad.

If you represent a foreign company/organisation and are looking for an in-house course for your staff members, please fill out this request form.

Postgraduate Courses

Most of the postgraduate courses in IIT Bombay, running in the ongoing semester, are available to individual working professionals. These courses involve the rigours of a normal academic course, including attendance requirements and examinations, and result in the participant earning credits with the issuance of a “Grade Card” on the successful completion of the course.

You can find a list of running courses here . Apply to register for a particular course by filling this form . The registration process needs to be completed -- with the consent of the faculty member offering the course by July 19, 2021 (typically) for the Autumn semester and by Jan 3, 2022 (typically) for the Spring semester Read more.

GIAN Courses

The courses, offered under the GIAN initiative (Global Initiative for Academic Networking) of the MoE, bring in international experts to deliver short term (5-10 days) course on emerging and important research areas.
Typically these courses are open to professionals from both academia and industry, as well as students. The GIAN courses are offered for credit and usually involve a substantial hands-on component as part of the course Read more.

Upcoming Open Courses

Message from Prof-in-Charge

As the pace of technological innovation and adoption gathers speed, it has led to the genesis of myriad opportunities for business growth. Consequently, our approach towards continuing education has adapted to these fundamental changes in critical and transformative ways. Our courses draw on learnings from across the core technical, managerial and design disciplines taught and researched at IIT Bombay. Therefore we are able to deliver inter-disciplinary material along with the pedagogical rigour that IITs are known for - making for unrivalled offerings in the context of continuing education.

Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills needed to develop a competitive edge and propel your career into the future.

Our Team

Prof. Siddhartha Ghosh


Mr. Rakesh Kumar Pandey

Administrative Superintendent

Mr. Surendra Gaikwad

Administrative Superintendent

Mr. Sudhir Surve

Administrative Assistant

Ms. Jyoti Kahalekar

Technical Staff

Ms. Usha Dadude

Data Entry Staff

Ms. Bhagyashree Bhubal

Data Entry Staff

Mr. Kishore Raut

Support Staff

Mr. Prakash Solanki

Support Staff

Advisory Commitee Members

Prof. Milind D. Atrey

Mechanical Engg Dept

Prof. Devang Khakhar

Chemical Engg Dept

Prof. Anurag Mehra

Chemical Engg Dept

Prof. Preeti Rao

Electrical Engg Dept

Prof. Prita Pant


Prof. Siddhartha Ghosh

Civil Engg Dept

EdTech Partners

Committed to the cause of making quality education accessible to all, IIT Bombay plans to significantly extend its outreach of CEP for Indian as well as global participants through collaboration with commercial EdTech Service Providers (ETSP). A Request for Proposal (RFP) to identify and empanel suitable ETSP is available at this Website. The last date for application is 27-May-2022.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the fee displayed on Exec-Ed portal inclusive of GST?


What type of Certificate is issued by IIT Bombay?

IIT Bombay issues two types of certificates viz. Certificate of Participation and Certificate of Completion. Please contact the programme coordinator to confirm the type of certificate for any specific course

Do I get alumni status by completing an Exec-Ed course?

Exec-Ed courses do not offer alumni status to the participants

Do I get access to the institute library?

We do not offer library access to participants of Exec-Ed courses.

Do you provide placement support for Exec-Ed courses?

We do not provide placement support for participants enrolling for Exec-Ed courses.

What is the minimum attendance criteria for getting a certificate of participation?


For on-campus courses, do I get accommodation?

Accommodation is available in IIT Bombay guest house for an extra cost and subject to availability at the time of the course. Please contact the programme advisor to know the prevailing rates of the accommodation.

Can I pay the fees in instalments?

Full fee is to be paid prior to the start of the course. In case the fee is not received in full, certificate will be withheld.

I represent a company and would like to nominate some of our employees. Is TDS applicable?

IIT Bombay is exempted from Income Tax and hence no TDS applicable. We will be happy to provide the nil TDS certificate.

I represent a company and am interested in conducting a custom course for our employees. What is the procedure to get this organised?

We do offer customised courses for corporate. Please contact Exec-Ed programme advisor and he will be the nodal point between you and the concerned faculty. To initiate the discussion, please fill in the inquiry form.

Contact Us

Our Address

Office of Continuing Education Programme (CEP),
Indian Institute Of Technology, Bombay, Powai, Mumbai - 400076.

Email Us


Call Us

+91 22 2576 7047
+91 22 2576 7060