Salient Features Of The Programme

  • Those courses, scheduled for the regular M.Tech. programme of any Department, Centre which are envisaged to be attractive for working professionals, would be conducted mostly during evening hours, so that the working professionals from industry can take benefit of such courses along with the regular IIT Bombay M.Tech. Students.

  • The attendance requirements, examination, assignments and grading will be common to the regular M.Tech. students and to participants under this programme.

  • On successful completion of each such PG-level course, the participant will receive a "Course Completion Certificate", along with the grade obtained by them for the course.

  • Those participants who successfully complete 40 credits (roughly 7 courses) with a CPI (Cumulative Performance Index) of 6.5/10, and are also otherwise eligible for M.Tech. admission under the Sponsored category at IIT Bombay, may apply for admission if they so wish. If accepted to the M.Tech. programme, the transfer of the CEP earned credits can be requested. Further details are provided here (

Admission procedure & General Information

  • Any postgraduate level course offered by any department of IIT Bombay is potentially available to working professionals who satisfy the eligibility requirements subject to approval by the course instructor.

  • Candidates can collect or download application form and eligibility requirements, details regarding course contents etc., from CEP office, IInd floor, Main Building, IIT Bombay, from 15th December and 5th July respectively for the two semesters.

  • After deciding on the course(s) of interest, the candidate can meet the concerned course instructor(s) to get more details of the course contents, methods of instruction / evaluation / grading etc., as well as regarding the background required to get the benefit of these courses.

  • Before registration, candidates have to obtain the consent of the concerned course instructor(s) and HOD in the columns provided for it, in the column provided for it, in the application form.

  • The registration for the course(s) can be done at the CEP office between 10.30 am to 12.30 pm and 2.30 pm to 5.00 pm on any working day before the academic session begins. At the time of registration, the candidate should also pay the course fees of Rs. 11,800/- (Rs. Eleven Thousand eight hundred only) per course, payable by way of Demand Draft in favour of "Registrar, IIT Bombay, (CEP Account)". (Please note that fees cannot be refunded once the registration is done). The courses are of one-semester duration during January - April and July - November, respectively. Each course is generally of 3 contact hours per week. Classes will be conducted at Powai Campus as per the time-table to be finalized (if possible during evening hours between 5.00 pm - 8.00 pm) No accommodation will be provided in the campus for candidates. These courses are non-residential in nature and the candidates have to make their own arrangements for their stay and travel to attend the classes. However, library and concerned laboratory facilities will be open for the use of the candidates during all working hours.

Any other details regarding this programme can be obtained from CEP office: Professor-in-Charge ,
Office of Continuing Education Programme (CEP)
IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai - 400 076.
Phone : 2576 7060,
Email :